Flashing Membranes

AIR-SHIELD LIQUID FLASHING is a high-quality, gun grade, low-odor, elastomeric, polyether, liquid-applied flashing and detailing membrane. It bonds to most construction materials, such as aluminum, brick, concrete, wood, vinyl, and exterior gypsum board.


What is Flashing? And How Do I Know If It’s Properly Installed?

Let’s first address the basics.  Flashing in either residential or commercial properties is a thin layer of waterproof material that prevents water from seeping in and finding its way into places where it should not be.  Ultimately, and even though water may simply want to flow toward the ground, there is the fact that while it travels to its final destination it will seep into any crevices, gaps, or spaces that are present in a building’s exterior.  Flashing, then, when it’s effectively installed creates a surface where no seams face uphill and it’s layered with other materials on the building’s surface.