Vapor Permeable Air Barriers

Sheet Membrane Vapor Permeable Air Barrier

Sheet Membrane Vapor Permeable Air Barrier

AIR-SHIELD SMP is a self-adhesive, vapor permeable, air/liquid moisture barrier that is designed to be fully bonded to the substrate without the use of an adhesive or primer. AIR-SHIELD SMP is a tough, durable membrane that exhibits excellent resistance to air leakage and liquid water intrusion, while at the same time allows vapor to readily pass through to allow the wall assembly to dry.



Liquid Membrane Vapor Permeable Air Barrier

AIR-SHIELD LMP is a water-based air/liquid moisture barrier that cures to form a tough, seamless, elastomeric membrane. AIR-SHIELD LMP exhibits excellent resistance to air leakage. When properly applied as a drainage plane, AIR-SHIELD LMP prohibits liquid water intrusion into the substrate.





Liquid Membrane Thin Film Permeable Air Barrier

AIR-SHIELD TMP is a water-based air/liquid moisture barrier that cures to form a tough, seamless, elastomeric membrane. AIR-SHIELD TMP exhibits excellent resistance to air leakage. When properly applied as a drainage plane, AIR-SHIELD TMP prohibits liquid water intrusion into the substrate.